OGC Attorneys Awarded 2017 Infinite Mile Award

On May 18, 2017 the Offices of the President, Vice President and General Counsel, and Executive Vice President and Treasurer presented OGC lawyers Dahlia Fetouh and Richelle Nessralla the 2017 Infinite Mile Award for Problem Solving and Leadership.
In the wake of President Trump’s first Executive Order on immigration restricting citizens of seven countries from entering the United States, which went into immediate effect, two MIT undergraduate students were unable to return to MIT after January’s Independent Activities Period. MIT was successful in assisting them with re-entry despite the Executive Order. Dahlia and Richelle were recognized for their outstanding support and advice to senior leadership, international students and scholars during this days-long ordeal. One of the returning MIT students said it best: “MIT was exceptional. I can now look back at this experience as positive rather than negative, because it showed the real value of MIT.”